How to use the Chronius platform to become your own best advocate

Living with an invisible illness can feel like a full-time job that you never asked for. The Chronius platform makes it easy to manage your care journey - check out the videos below to see how.

Platform Overview

The Chronius platform is loaded with tools and resources to help you manage everything related to your health. Here’s a brief overview that highlights the key features of the platform at a high level.

For a more in-depth walkthrough, see here.

Chronius Use Cases

The Chronius platform has truly everything you need to manage your care.

Which means it might seem a bit overwhelming at first. Here are a few ways you can save yourself time and energy with the platform.

Prep for an upcoming doctor’s appointment

15 minutes. That’s typically all the time we get with our doctor. Just 15 minutes! Make the most of the time you have by sharing key information with your physician ahead of your appointment.

We make it simple and easy to maximize the efficiency and productivity of your appointments. So you leave the appointment feeling knowing that you’ve been heard and you’ve actually made progress.

Fight your insurance company

Maybe they want to stop covering a medication that they have always covered. Maybe they won’t issue a prior authorization for you to get the treatment they need. Maybe they billed you for something that you know you shouldn’t have been billed for.

Whatever it is, our Care Advocate can help you with it. Get what you deserve from your insurance company without lifting a finger.

Bring all your health data together in one place

If you have seen more than a few specialists over the course of your care journey, you likely have medical records strewn across multiple patient portals (or “EHRs”, if you’re a fan of industry jargon). It can be difficult to get a handle on your complete medical history when you can’t view your data all in one place.

The Chronius platform automatically aggregates your records from wherever they live to create a unified health history. Not only do we bring your records together, we organize them for intuitive searching, viewing, and sharing.

Manage your meds

Staying on top of more than just a few medications can be difficult. It can even be dangerous, if your clinicians don’t have reliable access to the complete medications that you are taking and have ever taken.

Use the Chronius platform to streamline your medication management in one place. You can even learn more about your medications right in the platform, from side effects to the evidence supporting their use to warnings about other medications that should be avoided.